The Glory of the Total Solar Eclipse by Amy Marie Burgin- Book cover
The Glory of the Total Solar Eclipse by Amy Marie Burgin- Book back cover

10 Responses

      1. I am looking forward to reading it, although my copy hasn’t arrived yet!
        Meant to Soar is such a wonderful foundation- so many lives are being strengthened and restored through this ministry!! I am excited to get my copy!

        1. Yay! I pray you are personally blessed by it, Nicole! Yes!!! It is such an honor and privilege to come alongside Meant to Soar with this book! It’s a gift from God to be included this way in his work to inspire children who have suffered from parental addiction…because every child and every person is meant to soar!

  1. I read this book for the second time and it was just as powerful! The Love of God is displayed all over creation. Thank you God for pursuing us.

  2. Which of y’all knew the story about 1941 discovering details of God’s own nuisance cockleburs? Hook and loop design leading to Velcro, and then becoming a NASA solution?approx. page 78-80? It really drives the point that our human discoveries are simply recognizing God’s intricate design features of his world.. amazing!

  3. Just Finished! Pretty great to think about how getting in God’s complete, full, path of totality for our lives makes all the difference individually. I also learned through this book things I missed in school regarding alignment, rotation, and God’s amazing world interactive design! Thank you Amy and Joy for a great, inspiring read!

    1. It is really lovely to think about. My cousin recently said, “I like thinking about these things [God’s grace and love and goodness] when I wake up in the morning.” We like to wake slowly and think on these things before rising. The way you remain in the path deeply inspires me and many others too.

      And YES! I also learned so much I missed in school through the creation of this book! Thank you for reading and sharing some thoughts!

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