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Our Team

Elsa Ezell

Executive Director

Elsa’s earliest years were spent launching Texas’ Aldape Asphalt and establishing solid business relationships. In 1988, she married Charles Ezell, eventually having two children. Being an avid sewer/designer, she enjoyed her time as a software educator for Sewing Industry leader Viking-Pfaff.

2010 unleashed six years of family devastation, which has now become the beautiful backdrop of Meant To Soar Foundation. As a graduate of promise and college scholarships, her daughter Britta, experienced college rape. Despite three eyewitness testimonies, the perpetrator remained free on campus. Britta began to spiral, skipping classes. Out-of-control drinking, then drugs, and finally isolation led to the horror of being trafficked, until her divine escape! But trauma often begins a repeating cycle of sabotage, recovery, and falling back. At times homeless, 2016 closed with a homicide investigation of Britta’s nefarious death. Beyond the tragic loss of her 24-year-old daughter, Elsa became a full-time mom to Britta’s two children. Elsa has served as Missions Coordinator at Crossbridge Church in San Antonio until Meant To Soar took flight. She continues to champion the ultimate soaring for all – removing the weight of sin and separation, to forever experience God’s power in our daily lives.

Lisa Velasquez

Community Engagement & Operations

Since 2019, Lisa has lived in the realm of “to change the next generation”. While mentoring she has had the privilege of being apart of the lives of young moms and their children while working with YoungLives & Young Life. Encouraging young moms and teaching them God’s Word as well as giving them freedom to be themselves and to discover who they are in Christ. Today, Lisa hopes to continue that legacy and continue to change the next generation with Meant to Soar. Involving her community in activities, teaching us all to step out in faith, encouraging us to see what she see’s in the smiling faces of those vulnerable in this world. We are better together when we rest in the comfort of His presence and dare to change this world one child at time. Helping our children to heal through counseling and activities tailored to their needs so that they don’t get sucked into the unknown but walk in freedom and favor as youth, teens and adults. Lisa’s passion is to truly help change and heal the next generation. Helping them discover and understand who they are in Christ and to demonstrate His Love for them. In doing this, we open a world of possibilities for our children. Matthew 19:26 says, Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” These children have already been through the impossible of situations, let’s show them what is truly possible through the eyes of a Loving God.